81.   The new Federal Police director was selected for the post by President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, against the wishes of the Justice Minister who had been backing another candidate.

82.   The national electoral council publicly warned Chavez last Friday that he is breaking campaign laws that prevent high-level public officials from backing specific candidates.

83.   The race remains open because the United States, to the dismay of the EU, has so far refused to back either candidate.

84.   The United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, or AUC, was secretly backing candidates that could support its hard-line counter-insurgency agenda in the Congress.

85.   The three largest parliamentary parties back different candidates.

86.   The two parties had said they would back one candidate for president and field a joint slate of legislative candidates in the balloting.

87.   The United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, or AUC, is secretly backing candidates that could support its hardline counterinsurgency agenda in the Congress.

88.   The United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, or AUC, is secretly backing candidates that could support its hard-line counterinsurgency agenda in the Congress.

89.   The United States, a vital partner in the alliance, has yet to come out and officially back a candidate.

90.   Those voters, many of whom backed other candidates in the first round, are more likely to support Yeltsin in the final round, analysts say.

v. + candidate >>共 695
endorse 4.35%
support 3.78%
choose 3.58%
field 3.58%
interview 2.60%
have 2.40%
nominate 2.32%
back 2.14%
help 2.03%
select 1.83%
back + n. >>共 1281
rebel 3.88%
plan 2.87%
proposal 2.23%
idea 2.10%
claim 2.09%
effort 1.75%
bill 1.72%
call 1.62%
candidate 1.59%
government 1.53%
每页显示:    共 108