81.   Traders on the London Metal Exchange today were reminded of events last May when speculation surrounded attempts by Sumitomo Corp. to boost prices by buying up available copper supplies.

82.   When they pay cash for shares, as many do, that shrinks the available supply of stock.

83.   With fewer animals coming to market, reducing available supplies of hogs for slaughter, meatpackers could be forced to pay higher prices.

84.   With more supplies available, pressure on roasters to secure supplies may ease.

85.   With supplies tight, those who hold the corn are expected to wait for higher prices later, leaving buyers to bid up the prices of available supplies.

86.   Crude and products futures rebounded at the New York Mercantile Exchange Friday which was buoyed by concerns over available supply and a dwindling supply.

87.   Even though it was likely much of the series had already been used up, the company demanded that possible available supplies be returned as soon as possible.

88.   Manufacturers may not have an abundant supply available until later in the fall, the panel said.

89.   Soybean futures prices rose sharply Tuesday on the Chicago Board of Trade on concern new export business may deplete available supplies before the next harvest.

90.   Still, the recovery could fizzle, and non-OPEC supplies could swell available supplies.

a. + supply >>共 909
medical 11.85%
short 6.15%
emergency 3.38%
humanitarian 2.87%
new 2.72%
ample 2.19%
tight 2.10%
adequate 1.91%
military 1.68%
limited 1.46%
available 1.24%
available + n. >>共 1576
information 3.92%
option 2.31%
money 2.30%
space 1.92%
resource 1.84%
supply 1.35%
evidence 1.33%
job 1.25%
service 1.25%
datum 1.25%
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