81.   Because of their brutality and frequency, they have attracted more attention than any others for many months, both here in Northern Ireland and in Britain.

82.   Occasionally, the dogs attract the attention of children, and even adults, who want to stroke them.

83.   Only a foolish customer would join the bank purely because of the ethical stance, but it attracted their attention, Mr Thomas claimed.

84.   In recent years, the outbreak of major industrial relations conflicts in public enterprises has attracted attention not only in Britain but in France, Spain and elsewhere.

85.   Layhe, a former professional musician, is particularly excited about V-Tol, a relatively new dance company which has already attracted attention.

86.   Although Global has attracted the attention of investigators around the country, authorities have been unable to stop it.

87.   Also attracting attention are the men who allegedly caused the injuries.

88.   Although this might sound a little like Roger Clemens opposing greed or Oprah denouncing second helpings, his words attracted attention.

89.   American farmers, joined by Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, had held a rally to attract attention to their plight.

90.   Although amusing, the announcement still highlights the games that some companies will play to attract attention.

v. + attention >>共 193
pay 23.59%
draw 11.41%
attract 8.39%
turn 6.59%
focus 5.81%
get 5.80%
receive 3.50%
catch 2.68%
call 2.53%
divert 2.46%
attract + n. >>共 573
attention 12.46%
investor 6.40%
investment 5.69%
customer 3.90%
interest 2.53%
people 2.53%
buyer 1.98%
tourist 1.85%
support 1.68%
business 1.67%
每页显示:    共 1412