81.   The army then denied any knowledge of having captured him and has admitted to no wrongdoing.

82.   The army vehemently denied allegations troops had carried out a massacre.

83.   The army vehemently denied that Israeli troops had carried out a massacre.

84.   The army denied it was carrying out mass detentions despite multiple eyewitness accounts provided by journalists.

85.   The army denied tanks fired shells or guns and said that the area is under Israeli control.

86.   The army denied that tanks fired shells at the hospital, saying that Israeli troops fired toward Palestinians who were shooting from the hospital.

87.   The army denied that tanks fired shells, saying that troops were fired on in the area and returned fire.

88.   The army denies committing such a massacre.

89.   The army has consistently denied the practice exists.

90.   The army has denied such allegations.

n. + deny >>共 544
official 18.30%
government 9.67%
company 4.30%
spokesman 3.54%
authority 2.90%
police 2.32%
leader 2.13%
army 1.87%
military 1.79%
group 1.77%
army + v. >>共 578
say 22.33%
be 5.55%
have 2.61%
deny 1.86%
confirm 1.51%
launch 1.46%
take 1.30%
begin 1.12%
use 1.09%
report 0.89%
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