81.   In every major soccer league in the world, opponents are spread out, allowing more time for buildup and preparation.

82.   In his corner is father Tito, who tries to negotiate breaks in his schedule that allow time for baseball.

83.   In response, controllers needed to allow more time between landings.

84.   In Southern California, that means allowing enough time for traffic.

85.   In fact, according to the FTC, thawing took much longer, allowing time for dangerous bacteria to grow.

86.   In one instance, Harris recounted a shopping trip when African-American jurors were allowed less shopping time than white jurors at Target and Ross Dress for Less.

87.   In Texas, home state of Gov. George W. Bush, the law would allow more time for recounts in a disputed election.

88.   Israeli officials acknowledge they would start many demolitions that way, but then allow time for those inside to leave.

89.   It agreed not to foreclose until some future date, allowing time for negotiations and efforts to restructure the deal to keep the project afloat.

90.   It allowed him time for a self-assessment that has resulted in a complete change of mind-set.

v. + time >>共 481
spend 18.25%
take 15.59%
have 13.39%
serve 2.96%
give 2.84%
play 2.01%
buy 1.60%
waste 1.52%
come 1.49%
need 1.18%
allow 0.77%
allow + n. >>共 1326
run 6.25%
hit 5.03%
access 2.72%
use 1.57%
time 1.36%
goal 1.18%
visit 0.96%
reporter 0.96%
sale 0.85%
single 0.80%
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