81.   Most airline stocks were also weak in response to a fare war set off by Northwest Airlines on Tuesday.

82.   News of the fare increase sent some airline stocks soaring Friday on a day when they normally might have fallen because of a jump in the price of oil.

83.   News of the attempted fare rise sent some airline stocks soaring on a day when they normally would have fallen because of a jump in the price of oil.

84.   Oil, drug, automobile and airline stocks led the advance.

85.   Not so lucky were investors in some mutual funds run by Alliance Capital and the Vanguard Group that had big investments in airline stocks.

86.   Now airline stocks are getting hammered and talk of possible government assistance is heard every day.

87.   Oil, drug, automobile and airline stocks rose most.

88.   On Wall Street, investors sold off airline stocks in droves, pushing down share prices by a third or more.

89.   Of course, the latest gains will only help the performance of the mutual funds holding the biggest concentrations of the big airline stocks.

90.   One of the groups that finished higher was the airline stocks, which have been see-sawing recently.

n. + stock >>共 388
technology 19.41%
bank 5.28%
tech 4.50%
blue-chip 4.33%
oil 4.07%
company 3.29%
property 2.00%
tobacco 1.94%
retail 1.87%
fish 1.80%
airline 1.40%
airline + n. >>共 600
industry 10.85%
official 7.02%
ticket 6.54%
passenger 3.21%
executive 3.12%
pilot 3.09%
stock 2.91%
company 2.74%
flight 2.67%
employee 2.38%
每页显示:    共 167