81.   But either way, the crash threatens to inflict more economic pain on a struggling airline industry, while dampening the desire of consumers to spend.

82.   But FAA defenders in the airline industry said that despite past troubles, the agency has successfully reinvented itself.

83.   But as the airline industry changed, Delta was slow to change with it.

84.   But critics are already charging that it would lead to unacceptable concentration of the domestic airline industry, especially on the East Coast.

85.   But he did not commit himself to specific steps to achieve that goal beyond bailing out the airline industry.

86.   But it is not clear how committed Johnson is to the airline industry.

87.   But Jones says he is confident Delta will make it through the current crisis, and the airline industry will eventually regain passenger confidence, ridership and profits.

88.   But if some are needed immediately, they could be included in the emergency relief package that Congress is considering for the financially shaken airline industry.

89.   But in the end, his reputation in the airline industry will remain intact, he said.

90.   But new taxes and fees added to tickets at airports are obscuring that fact, the airline industry wants you to know.

n. + industry >>共 483
tobacco 5.90%
oil 3.86%
auto 3.65%
computer 3.19%
airline 2.84%
entertainment 2.78%
construction 2.45%
service 2.36%
music 2.18%
telecommunication 2.15%
airline + n. >>共 600
industry 10.85%
official 7.02%
ticket 6.54%
passenger 3.21%
executive 3.12%
pilot 3.09%
stock 2.91%
company 2.74%
flight 2.67%
employee 2.38%
每页显示:    共 622