81.   Both leaders are due to address the conference, giving them an opportunity to air their grievances in public.

82.   While pro-democracy campaigners, the China-banned Falungong spiritual and other activists are expected to use the event to air their grievances.

83.   It said they wanted to air their grievances with the envoy but he was not in his office.

84.   Karzai told delegates that national assembly representatives would have a chance to air their grievances in meetings with him in the days after the Loya Jirga.

85.   Karzai told delegates the national assembly representatives would have a chance to air their grievances in meetings with him in the days after the Loya Jirga.

86.   Loya Jirga delegates would rathof a forward-looking Afghanistan but delegates to the Loya Jirga grand assembly have shown more inclination to air their grievances than plan for the future.

87.   The delegation from Zaire made a point of airing the grievances of the local people around Goma in eastern Zaire on the shores of Lake Kivu.

88.   The man telephoned ABS-CBN television and demanded to talk with a broadcaster and with Santiago in order to air his grievances.

v. + grievance >>共 120
file 29.42%
air 13.41%
address 5.79%
have 5.03%
hear 3.66%
take 3.51%
discuss 2.74%
redress 2.13%
settle 1.83%
withdraw 1.37%
air + n. >>共 376
ad 6.70%
grievance 5.17%
view 4.70%
commercial 3.76%
show 3.35%
footage 3.06%
program 2.35%
interview 2.18%
report 1.88%
complaint 1.88%
每页显示:    共 87