81.   The agency plans to announce the action on Thursday.

82.   The agency plans to begin a formal site selection process this fall.

83.   The agency plans to present its recommendations next June as part of a larger report on aging aircraft.

84.   The agency plans to propose the traffic law revisions during the ordinary Diet session in January.

85.   The agency plans to send its top bomb expert from Washington, D.C., next week.

86.   The agency plans to use savings generated from refunding to help pay for severance and retirement buyouts for New York City employees.

87.   The agency had planned to open the Secaucus Transfer Station next fall, allowing riders from Bergen County to transfer to trains going directly to Manhattan.

88.   The agency is planning to complete work on this universal service issue at the same time it completes revising access charges -- by May or June of next year.

89.   The agency is planning to expand its program and collaborate with supermarkets, schools and airlines to gather currencies that will soon be outmoded.

90.   The agency is planning to extend the already lengthy hunting season on the reviled omnivore.

n. + plan >>共 778
company 13.03%
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group 4.23%
official 4.06%
authority 1.79%
leader 1.51%
team 1.28%
police 1.18%
agency 1.16%
president 1.13%
agency + v. >>共 790
say 19.39%
be 6.25%
have 4.73%
report 1.79%
take 1.26%
give 1.21%
quote 1.09%
try 1.06%
plan 1.00%
make 0.96%
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