81.   The administration is also proposing a highly technical change in the way insurers capitalize the costs of adding new policies, such as commissions and expense reimbursements to agents.

82.   The administration proposes to ban cigarette vending machines and self-service racks of cigarettes, thus allowing cigarettes to be sold only by clerks from behind the counter.

83.   The administration proposes to work with Congress to create a privately managed system to invest the money without political interference.

84.   The administration also proposed a variety of tax credits for businesses that invest in energy-efficient equipment and roof-top solar collectors.

85.   The administration also proposed to include terrorism activities in federal anti-racketeering laws in order to increase criminal and civil penalties.

86.   The administration also proposes to cut research spending for alternative energy sources and energy conservation.

87.   The administration also will propose extending an existing tax credit for electric utilities that generate power with windmills.

88.   The administration has also proposed reducing that money even further to help reduce the debt on the properties before they are sold.

89.   The administration has recently proposed that areas long restricted to industrial enterprise be opened to more expansive uses, including enormous retail stores.

90.   The administration is also proposing to centralize the financing and management of school construction projects under a single state agency to cut costs.

n. + propose >>共 547
government 11.02%
administration 6.45%
official 3.79%
president 3.60%
commission 2.63%
company 2.44%
group 2.10%
plan 1.97%
governor 1.94%
lawmaker 1.85%
administration + v. >>共 791
be 7.82%
say 5.67%
have 3.46%
take 2.29%
want 2.24%
try 1.81%
make 1.59%
seek 1.59%
oppose 1.53%
consider 1.45%
propose 1.16%
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