81.   President Boris Yeltsin was following events closely Saturday and was expected to address the nation Monday night or Tuesday.

82.   President Gen. Pervez Musharraf will address the nation Friday to unveil plans for a national referendum, the government announced.

83.   President George W. Bush prepared to address the nation Sunday, the White House said shortly after explosions and anti-aircraft fire were heard in the Afghan capital.

84.   President Pasteur Bizimungu, a Hutu, was absent from the ceremony, and instead addressed the nation in a recorded radio broadcast.

85.   Queen Elizabeth II will address the nation.

86.   Addressing the nation on the occasion of Army Day, Saddam shrugged off reports that the United States might extend its campaign against terrorism to Iraq.

87.   Addressing the nation in a televised speech Tuesday night, Chavez said he would ignore a National Electoral Council order to refrain from campaigning for assembly candidates.

88.   According to the respected independent newspaper Le Monde, Chirac will address the nation Monday night, announcing the dissolution of the National Assembly.

89.   Addressing the nation on the eve of National Day, Li sounded conciliatory toward rival Taiwan.

90.   Addressing the nation Sunday night, Prime Minister P.J. Patterson said the violence was started by criminal gangs.

v. + nation >>共 784
lead 8.59%
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address + n. >>共 1243
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