81.   Suratman warned earlier that his troops would take tough action to prevent more bloodshed, but pro-independence activists accused soldiers of provoking unrest.

82.   The announcement followed a warning by Turkey it would take military action to prevent the deployment of Russian anti-aircraft missiles by the Greek-dominated government of Cyprus.

83.   That threat had raised fears he would take military action to prevent his ouster.

84.   The company has since tightened export control procedures, reeducated workers about applicable U.S. laws and will continue to take action to prevent future violations, Cruikshank said.

85.   The court said it would hold not only perpetrators criminally responsible, but also their superiors who failed to take actions to prevent or stop war crimes.

86.   The group wants Clinton to take stronger action to prevent killings of independence-minded East Timorese.

87.   The European Union has taken action to prevent the mad cow disease from spreading.

88.   The National Human Rights Commission also criticized the armed forces for failing to take prompt action to prevent rioting.

89.   The Mirror, a British tabloid, urged the British government to take stronger action to prevent known troublemakers from traveling abroad to soccer games.

90.   The planned deployment had raised tension on the island after Turkey threatened to take action to prevent it.

n. + prevent >>共 1376
police 4.55%
law 4.20%
rule 2.33%
step 2.29%
action 2.16%
weather 1.98%
authority 1.78%
government 1.54%
injury 1.50%
problem 1.17%
action + v. >>共 799
be 28.76%
come 3.91%
have 2.30%
follow 2.03%
take 1.76%
prevent 1.57%
stop 1.28%
make 1.07%
lead 1.05%
help 1.03%
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