71.   During the presidential campaign white males were willing to forgive Clinton for fooling around a bit on the little lady.

72.   Dylan Glenn, a black Republican running for Congress from Georgia, said the party can only slowly change its image of being dominated by southern white males.

73.   During Vietnam, the majority of students were white males with similar backgrounds.

74.   Each of them is a white male in a suit.

75.   Even middle-class white males, about the only remaining group of Americans not in a protected class, now have demanded recognition for their special victimhood.

76.   Except for one woman, the Republicans are white Christian males from suburban and rural districts.

77.   Ethicists listened to the moral dilemmas facing women and people of color and concluded morality was not as neat as elite, white males had previously thought.

78.   Fliegelman, who notes that he is happily married, points out that ww means widowed woman, gwm means gay white male and iso means in search of.

79.   For dead white males, the canon is shrinking, and you can hear the beams squealing as the House of Fame collapses inward.

80.   For example, he says, a woman or black employee fired for swearing could claim discrimination if a white male were not terminated for a similar indiscretion.

a. + male >>共 408
white 18.98%
young 9.40%
black 7.30%
adult 5.97%
alpha 3.56%
american 2.41%
dominant 1.84%
african-american 1.59%
angry 1.46%
the 1.21%
white + n. >>共 1100
man 4.44%
shirt 2.73%
woman 2.16%
wine 1.88%
people 1.57%
male 1.30%
powder 1.19%
farmer 1.18%
hair 1.05%
student 0.96%
每页显示:    共 297