71.   She now wears a scarf, crudely added in bronze after the revolution.

72.   She was sent home for wearing a scarf rather than a necktie the first day the new dress code was effective.

73.   Soldiers wore scarves around their faces to block the smell and the dust.

74.   Such issues as whether Muslim schoolgirls can wear head scarves trigger fierce debate.

75.   The incident was spurred by a decision at the Jean Monnet Junior High School to allow two Muslim girls to wear head scarves to class.

76.   The government bans headscarves in public schools, but women and girls are free to wear the scarves everywhere else.

77.   The party has also forced Muslim women to wear head scarves in public, often against their wishes.

78.   The teachers are protesting a decision by the school authorities to let two Turkish girls wear head scarves in class.

79.   They wear scarves around their heads to keep out the dust, and compete among themselves for cheap trophies they buy in the marketplace.

80.   Turkey, a constitutionally secular republic, forbids women to wear head scarves in schools and public offices.

v. + scarf >>共 92
wear 35.19%
tie 5.56%
remove 2.59%
ban 2.22%
pull 2.22%
regard 2.22%
wrap 2.22%
head 1.85%
don 1.85%
drape 1.85%
wear + n. >>共 693
uniform 4.61%
clothes 3.76%
mask 2.90%
helmet 2.52%
suit 2.24%
glove 2.19%
hat 2.04%
shoe 1.70%
glass 1.65%
clothing 1.48%
scarf 0.67%
每页显示:    共 94