71.   Vegetarian diets for children have become more accepted in recent years by some parents, pediatricians, nutritionists and even the renowned child care authority Dr. Benjamin Spock.

72.   While it stopped short of a full-fledged endorsement, at least it said that vegetarian diets were healthful and nutritionally adequate when properly planned.

73.   With a high-carbohydrate, low-fat vegetarian diet, the svelte Tarahumara are perfectly adapted for running.

74.   Yet pediatricians in Colorado and elsewhere said in recent interviews that they were seeing more children and adolescents choosing vegetarian diets.

75.   Bears subsist on a mostly vegetarian diet of nuts and berries but will eat meat that is easily obtained.

76.   Guests who are on a vegetarian diet are not forgotten with a choice vegetarian menu.

77.   He cites his mostly vegetarian diet for helping him stay in shape and he still has a burning drive to excel.

78.   It has a mostly vegetarian diet, but it once killed a deer, split open the belly and ate only the liver.

79.   Nonetheless, Juljira has continued her daily regime of a glass of urine and adheres to a vegetarian diet.

80.   She believed that eating a mostly vegetarian diet of organic grains and produce affects far more than physical health.

a. + diet >>共 448
steady 6.60%
healthy 5.65%
vegetarian 4.27%
special 3.42%
strict 3.17%
poor 2.88%
american 2.38%
daily 2.23%
normal 2.18%
elemental 2.13%
vegetarian + n. >>共 160
diet 16.07%
dish 8.60%
meal 6.73%
food 5.61%
restaurant 3.93%
recipe 2.99%
burger 2.62%
menu 2.62%
cookbook 2.43%
entree 2.43%
每页显示:    共 85