71.   Opponents said it violated free speech and will hurt the fast-growing on-line industry, in which companies provide computer users to a vast array of information.

72.   Others have pushed the genre even further by using card sites to peddle a vast array of extras such as address books and party invitations.

73.   One trick is to generate a vast array of proteins on phage coats so as to select the one that hits a target of interest.

74.   Snowboards are now made in a vast array of lengths, shapes and degrees of flex.

75.   Since then, Clinton has applied the tactic to a vast array of initiatives.

76.   Subscribers also have access to a vast array of movies at practically any hour of the day, including multiple versions of premium movie channels like Cinemax and HBO.

77.   Terralingua has links to a vast array of language Web sites as well as a map showing the correlation between linguistic and biological diversity.

78.   The Bush administration plans to delay rules that would grant a vast array of new rights to Medicaid patients in health maintenance organizations, officials said tonight.

79.   The company owns a vast array of retailing companies, from department stores and discount warehouses to chains of shoe stores.

80.   The double-digit unemployment figures and the vast array of state-owned companies are gone.

a. + array >>共 354
wide 15.72%
vast 7.92%
broad 5.77%
impressive 3.75%
dizzying 3.62%
solar 3.44%
bewildering 3.38%
wider 2.64%
full 2.33%
broader 1.90%
vast + n. >>共 1207
majority 23.51%
amount 3.83%
area 2.84%
number 2.52%
array 1.61%
network 1.39%
market 1.30%
tract 1.29%
country 1.28%
expanse 1.24%
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