71.   This could be a tremendous step forward for uninsured children.

72.   Wednesday, he proposed several new education programs and said he wanted to provide health care to all uninsured children.

73.   President Clinton is directing education and health officials to develop ways of enrolling uninsured children in federal health insurance for the poor through their schools.

74.   Pollack at Families USA praised Gore for targeting uninsured children and families first.

75.   But the reports released Wednesday are the first that attempt to quantify the impact on the total number of uninsured children.

76.   Gore aides said the child health care issue is an important one in the Hispanic community, where rates of uninsured children are higher.

77.   High prescription drug costs and the addition of uninsured children to Medicaid rolls, said Kathy Gifford, state Medicaid director.

78.   Many states focused first on dealing with uninsured low-income children and now are shifting attention to uninsured adults, he said.

79.   The Commonwealth Fund report finds that states that let more parents into their programs have nearly half as many uninsured children as those that set stricter rules for parents.

80.   The program was originally set up to provide free health care to uninsured children, and the House leaders want parents to be covered as well.

a. + child >>共 771
young 11.37%
small 5.30%
first 2.76%
older 2.27%
only 2.06%
the 1.88%
poor 1.87%
younger 1.76%
second 1.53%
grown 1.42%
uninsured 0.39%
uninsured + n. >>共 77
child 26.86%
people 10.68%
patient 9.39%
motorist 3.88%
worker 3.24%
resident 2.91%
woman 2.91%
adult 2.27%
kid 2.27%
driver 2.27%
每页显示:    共 82