71.   Traders speculated that flooding in the southern U.S. would delay corn planting during a time of lean inventories.

72.   Traders speculated that Gershon Zelkind, who controls Shekem through Elco Holdings, was the buyer, Rosenberg said.

73.   Traders speculated that Summers would press the case that Japan must follow through on plans to improve the economy.

74.   Traders speculated that the cracking unit could be down for three weeks.

75.   Traders speculated that the cracking unit could be out of operation until early September.

76.   Traders speculated that the slumping stock market would make Greenspan even less disposed to raising interest rates anytime soon.

77.   Traders speculated the group will discuss widening a Brazilian and Colombian-led plan to limit bean exports.

78.   Traders speculated the U.S. government could retaliate with trade sanctions or by cutting off credit to allow Russia to buy subsidized grain.

79.   Traders speculating this year that a frost could reach the coffee-growing regions in Brazil sent prices soaring without any evidence of a natural disaster, Sorti said.

80.   Traders yesterday speculated that Egypt bought French wheat.

n. + speculate >>共 254
analyst 11.65%
investor 8.61%
official 7.79%
trader 6.75%
medium 5.89%
newspaper 5.80%
report 4.68%
police 3.77%
expert 3.68%
observer 2.86%
trader + v. >>共 358
say 49.06%
be 5.16%
expect 4.51%
await 2.68%
take 1.61%
buy 1.30%
sell 1.26%
speculate 1.22%
look 0.94%
have 0.85%
每页显示:    共 155