71.   Still, some traders bought pounds yesterday on speculation of the move.

72.   Some traders bought gold amid concern that the debate over the federal budget could force the Treasury to default on its debt.

73.   Some traders buy gold as a hedge against the damage inflation can inflict on other assets, such as bonds.

74.   Stock traders often buy shares of a takeover target and sell those of the acquiring company, a practice called risk arbitrage.

75.   The dollar fell against the yen as traders bought the Japanese currency after Thailand effectively devalued the baht today, traders said.

76.   The dollar fell further against the yen than against the mark today because traders were buying yen for marks.

77.   The dollar slipped, in part because traders bought German marks on diminishing fears that the single currency would be weak.

78.   The new account period means traders can buy stocks tomorrow and not pay for them for three weeks.

79.   The order imbalances caused traders to buy shares on the bet that strong demand would push prices higher.

80.   The stock market moved higher on Monday as traders bought shares of companies expected to show higher-than-average earnings increases in the months ahead.

n. + buy >>共 1188
investor 11.84%
people 7.38%
company 7.04%
consumer 3.69%
customer 3.04%
money 2.78%
government 2.08%
trader 1.95%
fund 1.52%
bank 1.30%
trader + v. >>共 358
say 49.06%
be 5.16%
expect 4.51%
await 2.68%
take 1.61%
buy 1.30%
sell 1.26%
speculate 1.22%
look 0.94%
have 0.85%
每页显示:    共 166