71.   Israel charges that Qoraan and Asmar carried out the assassination of tourism minister Rehavam Zeevi.

72.   Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had said Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat would not be allowed to leave the Wes of tourism minister Rehavam Zeevi were arrested.

73.   Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has prohibited Arafat leaving his West Bank home until Palestinian officials jail Palestinian militants who killed tourism minister Rehavam Zeevi in October.

74.   A fourth popular party official, former tourism minister Uzi Baram, also hinted that he was interested in the top job.

75.   A Jordanian factory owned by the son of assassinated Israeli tourism minister Rehavam Zeevi has closed owing its workers several months salary, a trade union has complained.

76.   A spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon dismissed Thursday claims the Palestinian police had arrested three people involved in the murder of Israeli tourism minister Rehavam Zeevi.

77.   An Afghan official on Monday said Saudi Arabia had arrested and would extradite two fugitive Afghan officials accused of assassinating aviation and tourism minister Abdul Rahman.

78.   Among other independents, Saadallah Agha al-Qalaa, a specialist computer engineer, becomes tourism minister while Ghada al-Jabi becomes employment and social welfare minister.

79.   Among those attending Sunday were West Bank Fatah leader Faisal Husseini, local government minister Saeb Erakat and tourism minister Elias Freij.

80.   Arafat justified his arrest of Saadat by saying he must hand over the men who killed tourism minister Rehavam Zeevi.

n. + minister >>共 183
finance 17.54%
defense 16.27%
government 8.91%
deputy 7.85%
justice 4.17%
defence 3.91%
trade 3.30%
health 2.58%
oil 2.39%
agriculture 1.94%
tourism 0.81%
tourism + n. >>共 299
industry 20.14%
official 11.54%
minister 5.56%
sector 3.04%
office 2.10%
project 1.96%
business 1.82%
ministry 1.78%
boycott 1.73%
development 1.50%
每页显示:    共 118