71.   He also has dispatched his top economic advisers to the Sunday television talk shows.

72.   He is also getting strong advice from his top advisers to sign on to the settlement.

73.   He is working closely with his boss, Karen Hughes, a top Bush adviser who returns to Texas this summer.

74.   He listened to conflicting counsel from his top advisers and decided to support the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

75.   He summoned a meeting of his top advisers on Northern Ireland and security for Sunday evening at his Downing Street office to discuss the implications of the bombing.

76.   Her job is to work with top advisers and deputy mayors on strategic planning and community building, in addition to helping develop reforms.

77.   He told top economic advisers to President Bush that his company planned to quit providing coverage to the property and casualty insurers for losses from future terrorist attacks.

78.   His chief of staff, Leon Panetta, is from California, as are his top economic advisers, his trade ambassador and his secretaries of state and defense.

79.   His poor showing had top advisers and supporters split over whether Gramm should quit the campaign now and focus on his re-election to the Senate.

80.   His top special adviser, Gerald Campbell, resigned Monday after the Chronicle reported he assigned an untrained former street person to conduct intimate interviews with juvenile delinquents.

a. + adviser >>共 429
financial 13.21%
senior 11.29%
top 7.47%
economic 5.23%
military 4.89%
presidential 4.73%
legal 4.59%
political 4.55%
former 3.66%
special 3.37%
top + n. >>共 669
official 9.23%
priority 4.25%
executive 3.54%
aide 2.72%
player 2.66%
team 2.46%
leader 2.35%
seed 2.13%
spot 2.09%
government 1.76%
adviser 0.89%
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