71.   The administration has said it will not interfere in a question of Russian territorial integrity.

72.   The administration has deplored the violence in Chechnya but said it will not interfere in a question of Russian territorial integrity.

73.   The Chinese chief diplomat also called for respecting borders of former Yugoslav republics and for respecting their territorial integrity.

74.   The declaration also called for respecting territorial integrity, the rights of numerous national minorities scattered throughout the region, and a pledge to settle disputes peacefully.

75.   The declaration also called for the respect of territorial integrity, the rights of national minorities scattered throughout the region, and pledged to settle disputes through peaceful means.

76.   The diplomat said Egypt wanted language reaffirming the need to respect the territorial integrity of Iraq.

77.   The document signed made it clear that Iraqi territorial integrity would still be respected.

78.   The Iraqi territorial integrity has to be respected and I urged that the Turkish troop withdraw as soon as possible.

79.   The Russian envoy said the proposal reiterated that stance, firmly supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and Yugoslavia.

80.   The plan respects both the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia and the aspirations of Albanian population in Kosovo to autonomy, according to an OSCE statement.

a. + integrity >>共 189
territorial 23.44%
personal 7.32%
artistic 6.66%
structural 3.73%
public 2.40%
professional 2.40%
great 2.40%
academic 2.00%
journalistic 2.00%
moral 1.60%
territorial + n. >>共 260
dispute 29.00%
integrity 7.84%
claim 7.35%
concession 6.95%
gain 4.23%
issue 3.39%
compromise 2.63%
ambition 2.23%
right 1.83%
division 1.69%
每页显示:    共 175