71.   Three people, including a father and his teenage daughter, died in flooding on Sunday as heavy rainfalls swept through northern Greece for a second straight day.

72.   Veskrnova is divorced and has a teenage daughter.

73.   He lives here with his wife and teenage daughter.

74.   His teenage daughter and university-student son were in court to hear the sentence, as were relatives of the dead children.

75.   Among the other nine dead were a father and his teenage daughter killed by suspected militants in the southern Anantnag district and five militants, Rajindera said.

76.   Earlier in the day, Stewart had visits from a brother, a sister and his teenage daughter.

77.   The recently re-married father of two teenage daughters is described by his colleagues as knowledgeable, gifted, receptive and curious.

78.   On Monday, the teenage daughter of a nurse who died of Ebola fever last week succumbed to the deadly disease.

79.   Parents also gave their seal of approval, with one mother, Zhao Yunqiu, highlighting the concerns she had had over her teenage daughter attending a mixed school.

80.   Public anger sparked by the murder of the teenage daughter of a popular TV actress has created an unexpected political crisis for Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui.

a. + daughter >>共 426
young 12.91%
teen-age 5.80%
eldest 5.37%
youngest 4.80%
oldest 4.34%
infant 4.27%
only 3.41%
grown 3.31%
teenage 2.88%
older 2.52%
teenage + n. >>共 360
girl 18.18%
boy 11.75%
son 6.50%
daughter 5.37%
pregnancy 4.05%
year 3.45%
smoking 2.59%
child 2.52%
mother 2.12%
suicide 1.26%
每页显示:    共 80