71.   Hamas has carried out a series of suicide bombings, while Fatah gunmen have targeted Israeli civilians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

72.   Gonensay called on Israel to refrain from targeting civilians in Lebanon, saying it would threaten the Middle East peace process.

73.   He claimed the gunners had targeted civilians several times.

74.   He claimed that the gunners had clearly targeted civilians several times.

75.   He said Hamas would continue to carry out suicide attacks on Israeli civilians as long as Israeli soldiers continued to target Palestinian civilians.

76.   Hezbollah guerrillas have fired rockets at northern Israel in the past in retaliation for Israeli army attacks that targeted Lebanese civilians in the southern region.

77.   Hezbollah guerrillas operating in southern Lebanon have fired rockets at northern Israel in the past in retaliation for Israeli army attacks that targeted Lebanese civilians in the southern region.

78.   His government also has denied that the militant groups ever target civilians.

79.   However, police said the Islamic rebels target Muslim civilians when they suspect them of providing intelligence to Indian forces.

80.   Human rights group Amnesty International has accused both the military and rebels of targeting civilians.

v. + civilian >>共 335
kill 30.76%
wound 8.89%
target 5.25%
injure 5.14%
protect 3.59%
attack 3.18%
include 2.09%
shoot 1.43%
massacre 1.35%
harm 1.30%
target + n. >>共 1086
civilian 5.03%
area 1.88%
people 1.77%
child 1.48%
company 1.35%
group 1.20%
minority 1.14%
woman 1.08%
building 1.08%
foreigner 1.01%
每页显示:    共 237