71.   The polls were taken after the second presidential debate.

72.   The poll was taken across Serbia and Montenegro, its partner in the new Yugoslav federation.

73.   The poll was taken before Labor leader Kim Beazley scored a decisive victory over Howard in a nationally televised debate Sunday night.

74.   The telephone poll was taken by ICR Survey Research Group of Media, Pennsylvania, part of AUS Consultants.

75.   The two polls were taken within days of each other, and the reason for the wide discrepancy was not immediately clear.

76.   Those two polls were both taken immediately prior to the election being called.

77.   Blair claims not to take the polls seriously, and swears he is not complacent.

78.   The poll was taken before the cut was announced.

79.   The poll was taken before a two-hour television interview of Chirac last Monday on youth employment, generally seen as a lack-lustre performance.

80.   The poll was taken before Vajpayee visited Gujarat on Thursday and publicly urged Modi not to discriminate among state residents.

v. + poll >>共 308
conduct 11.41%
boycott 6.52%
hold 4.45%
take 4.05%
publish 2.32%
contest 2.27%
release 2.03%
lead 1.98%
win 1.93%
leave 1.88%
take + n. >>共 753
place 12.16%
part 5.04%
action 3.23%
advantage 2.92%
time 2.33%
control 1.68%
effect 1.66%
office 1.51%
step 1.35%
lead 1.11%
poll 0.04%
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