71.   Federal investigators have aggressively used the material witness statute to hold people they believe have information that would help them prosecute suspected terrorists.

72.   Five weeks later, the Pakistani authorities seized several associates of Yousef in Peshawar in a crackdown on suspected terrorists.

73.   For the game, the comparison database was filled with images of criminals and suspected terrorists, authorities say.

74.   Generally, the bill would allow roving wiretaps on any telephone a suspected terrorist would use.

75.   Given the Middle Eastern site and the possibility of reprisals against suspected terrorists, questions have also been raised about a trade meeting in November in Doha, Qatar.

76.   He added that the numerous computerized federal lists of suspected terrorists and criminals are not readily available to INS officials.

77.   He cited the case of another suspected terrorist who, several years ago, had tried, unsuccessfully, to escape from the roof.

78.   He fit the profile of suspected terrorists because he had a one-way ticket, no checked luggage, a recently issued passport and had paid in cash.

79.   He believed a suspected terrorist might visit.

80.   He has centralized anti-terrorist activities in his own hands, personally overseeing both the biggest manhunt in American history and the prosecution of suspected terrorists.

a. + terrorist >>共 419
suspected 23.28%
international 6.38%
islamic 4.52%
palestinian 4.16%
foreign 3.37%
potential 3.29%
alleged 2.85%
convicted 2.30%
arab 1.70%
accused 1.63%
suspected + n. >>共 816
militant 12.08%
guerrilla 7.75%
rebel 6.47%
terrorist 6.35%
member 3.20%
drug 2.75%
extremist 2.63%
weapon 2.35%
case 1.98%
gunman 1.24%
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