71.   Were prisoners really interred in the concrete walls of the Moscow-Volga Canal, as one survivor says was rumored?

72.   When the screaming victims tried to escape, they were bayonetted or machine-gunned, the survivors say.

73.   While Verheyden says he thought he was invincible, crash survivors almost always say that their priorities change and little things matter less.

74.   While many survivors say they have become more cautious, Upshaw said that in his line of work he must spend a lot of time outside.

75.   Without identifying their sources, British newspapers reported that the two survivors said they were clawing at the inside of the sealed back door and screaming at the driver.

76.   Other survivors said the assailants identified themselves as supporters of the main Hutu rebel group that has waged war on Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Burundi.

77.   Other survivors said they heard a loud rumbling before a flood of mud and water overwhelmed them, Bernama reported.

78.   A Hong Kong survivor said from his hospital bed that the weather was extremely bad as the pilot attempted to land the plane, Hong Kong radio said.

79.   A Korean Air jetliner shook violently before crashing into the rocky terrain of tropical Guam, some survivors said Thursday.

80.   A survivor said the bomber had hopped out of a taxi and greeted the minister before detonating the bomb in an intersection.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
survivor 0.08%
survivor + v. >>共 412
be 19.39%
say 14.43%
include 12.13%
tell 3.85%
have 1.92%
suffer 1.15%
report 1.04%
describe 0.92%
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