71.   Both Yugoslav forces and ethnic Albanian rebels suffered casualties Thursday in the north of the Serbian province.

72.   Both sides admitted suffering casualties in the fighting, which has been raging since Friday night along at least three fronts.

73.   Both sides suffered heavy casualties, and fighting was continuing beyond the airport toward Parwan province.

74.   Border guards repelled the attack, which was launched from Albanian territory, and suffered no casualties, the report added.

75.   Both sides claimed the other had suffered heavy casualties.

76.   Both sides claimed their enemy suffered heavy casualties in the two days of fighting.

77.   Both sides have suffered heavy casualties in the fighting.

78.   Both sides said they suffered casualties in the fighting, which has been raging since Friday night along at least three fronts.

79.   Both sides suffered casualties.

80.   Both sides suffered heavy casualties.

v. + casualty >>共 185
report 23.27%
cause 18.59%
suffer 13.91%
inflict 4.34%
avoid 3.57%
take 2.73%
mention 2.19%
evacuate 1.95%
claim 1.85%
confirm 1.78%
suffer + n. >>共 514
injury 14.82%
loss 7.15%
damage 4.80%
stroke 4.37%
casualty 3.35%
setback 2.94%
burn 2.66%
most 2.51%
concussion 2.40%
wound 2.38%
每页显示:    共 411