71.   If further study proves there is a planet, said Herbst, it suggests planet formation can start very early after a star is born.

72.   It will continue to pay for bone marrow transplants for other illnesses such as leukemia, in which studies have proven its effectiveness.

73.   Miss USA says she thinks the U.S. Navy should halt bombing exercises on Vieques until studies prove the training does not harm residents of the island.

74.   Patty Neal Dorian, executive director of the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence, said the study proves what advocates have known for a long time.

75.   Studies have proved that forgoing breakfast can result in lower physical and mental morning performance in adults and children.

76.   Some doctors were skeptical about whether the study proved that the drugs are entirely at fault.

77.   The EU argues scientific studies have not proven conclusively that hormone treated beef is safe.

78.   The FDA approved Mylotarg under a special rule that lets promising drugs for certain lifethreatening diseases to sell before studies prove just how well they work.

79.   The study does not prove that the prostitutes were truly protected against HIV infection.

80.   The study proves that an HIV protein, called Gag, targets the cholesterol-loaded rafts as a site where it attaches to the inner cell membrane surface.

n. + prove >>共 2049
test 1.86%
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prosecutor 1.03%
government 1.00%
chance 0.91%
system 0.81%
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move 0.68%
study + v. >>共 367
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