71.   He complained that contractors would not get paid, cancer research grants would not be made, and students would not get their scholarships.

72.   He says a greater emphasis on the role of community colleges will help to ensure students get the financial help they need to participate in higher education.

73.   He said there was a health clinic at his school where students could get condoms, if they had the nerve.

74.   He pointed out that students got rough in the ticket line for a February game against rivals Duke University.

75.   Here, students get scholarships, and depending on how you perform and behave, people reward you.

76.   His letters of protest led the administration to reconsider, and the student got the degree that had been hanging in the balance.

77.   If a student got less, Nefesh got less.

78.   If they do not, states will be empowered to take over schools and students will get federal money to transfer schools or get private tutoring.

79.   If a student gets in trouble with the police on Saturday, the school will take action on Monday.

80.   If anything, she argues, the male students get more of her attention.

n. + get >>共 1428
thing 4.33%
people 3.16%
company 1.69%
team 1.33%
player 1.31%
investor 1.17%
child 1.12%
man 0.90%
woman 0.83%
kid 0.81%
student 0.69%
student + v. >>共 919
be 10.57%
say 4.47%
have 3.98%
take 2.79%
learn 2.10%
get 1.44%
go 1.25%
do 1.10%
come 1.02%
use 1.02%
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