71.   Most states provide some funding, however.

72.   New York includes under Medicaid benefits such things as hospital coverage for able-bodied single adults that other states provide under separate programs.

73.   Now, cases from around the state provide grim testimony to the risk of violence the developmentally disabled face.

74.   On the controversial issue of abortion, Wilkins joined in a ruling that the state must provide abortion services for poor women on Medicaid.

75.   On the other hand, states could provide coverage to some people who do not qualify for Medicaid under current law.

76.   Once the caseworkers make matches between welfare recipients and employers, the state will provide aid to make the transition to work possible.

77.   Other states provide that the intent of the voter be weighed, and other states have rules governing their procedures that certainly require thorough and nonpartisan review.

78.   Over the last nine years, New York state has provided a complex set of partial exemptions from various business taxes in several dozen so-called enterprise zones.

79.   Pataki asserts that no other state provides such benefits and New York cannot afford to become a magnet for immigrants who have lost sponsorship.

80.   Other states provide considerable resources to death row inmates seeking to prove their innocence.

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