71.   However, Chu told journalists, the SPA standing committee had met Monday.

72.   In addition, a standing committee will be created in Sarajevo to supervise the state of the federation.

73.   In an interim report to parliament, a joint parliamentary standing committee insisted that most Canadian farmers were open to international competition, as long as it was fair.

74.   Indonesia is the current chairman of the standing committee of ASEAN, which groups Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

75.   A chairman will be elected by all party members for a three-year term, while two vice chairmen will be appointed by a decision-making central standing committee.

76.   A PUB spokeswoman said the decision to ban the five companies had been taken by the standing committee on debarment, which functions under the ministry of finance.

77.   According to draft changes to the party regulations, the standing committee is expected to contain the core leadership and will streamline decision-making at the highest level.

78.   According to the charter no more than two-thirds of the central standing committee can hold an elected office.

79.   The standing committee is also to review other technical and housekeeping matters, as well as examine ASEAN activities for the coming year.

80.   The recommendations of the standing committee must be adopted by qualified majority voting, the system which gives greater weight to the vote of certain countries.

a. + committee >>共 387
executive 7.92%
congressional 5.89%
special 5.09%
parliamentary 4.62%
organizing 4.44%
advisory 4.14%
olympic 3.17%
national 2.77%
joint 2.69%
central 2.50%
standing 0.94%
standing + n. >>共 285
ovation 61.76%
water 5.21%
committee 3.69%
trial 2.51%
position 1.33%
count 1.29%
guard 1.14%
invitation 1.07%
offer 1.03%
stone 0.88%
每页显示:    共 97