71.   Israeli-Syrian peace talks have been stalled for more than three years over the future of the heights.

72.   Jordanian unions have also joined the campaign, saying the fair should not take place while peace talks are stalled.

73.   Many had hoped it would be a first step for peace, but talks are stalled and both sides are preparing for more war.

74.   Merger talks have been stalled by concerns that it would stifle competition in the music industry.

75.   Mideast peace talks have been stalled since Israeli elections in May brought the hard-line Likud Party to power.

76.   NATO pledged to intensify its air campaign against Yugoslavia after Serbs stalled talks on the pullout of their forces from Kosovo as envisaged in a peace plan.

77.   Ms. Kumaratunga says the guerrillas are stalling the talks to squeeze more military concessions from the government.

78.   Palestinian-Israeli talks have been stalled since May when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was elected.

79.   Peace talks are currently stalled.

80.   Peace talks have been stalled for about four years.

v. + talk >>共 397
hold 28.76%
resume 7.42%
begin 4.30%
have 3.89%
open 2.62%
suspend 2.28%
continue 2.04%
start 2.00%
attend 1.82%
follow 1.55%
stall 0.65%
stall + n. >>共 302
talk 11.41%
negotiation 5.44%
effort 4.16%
process 3.85%
bill 3.85%
legislation 3.02%
reform 2.95%
progress 2.72%
project 2.49%
plan 2.42%
每页显示:    共 150