71.   In pole position is Formula One motor racing, which signalled its intention to chase a market listing last weekend.

72.   Interior Minister Andrzej Milczanowski resigned Monday, and Defense Minister Zbigniew Wojciech Okonski stepped down Tuesday after signalling his intention on Sunday.

73.   China, for its part, signalled its intention to seek membership in the Interamerican Development Bank, Colombian diplomats said.

74.   Despite this, the two sides have recently signalled their intention to ease friction.

75.   The spokesman said the US government has clearly signalled its intention over the last two weeks that Mobutu resign and make way for a transition to democracy.

76.   When they had signalled their intention to defect, South Korean coastguard ships had then taken their boat under escort, the ministry said.

77.   Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe signalled his intention to accelerate the takeover of white-owned land for redistribution to blacks in his latest cabinet reshuffle, analysts said Friday.

78.   Officially the Saudis have only signalled their intention to try to settle the issue of the border between northern Yemen and three provinces of Najran, Jizan and Assir.

79.   Partly in response to such pressure, the Clinton administration this week signalled its intention to sanction China for transferring nuclear technology to Pakistan.

80.   Russia, China and France had signalled their intention to seek an easing of sanctions in April if Ekeus expressed satisfaction with his mission.

v. + intention >>共 222
have 59.02%
announce 13.18%
declare 3.76%
signal 2.03%
state 1.83%
express 1.56%
indicate 1.19%
reiterate 1.01%
confirm 0.82%
know 0.77%
signal + n. >>共 677
end 8.17%
willingness 4.57%
start 4.53%
change 3.82%
intention 3.04%
beginning 3.04%
support 2.34%
return 1.45%
interest 1.37%
readiness 1.34%
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