71.   The thing about these risky investment ventures is that they exist to serve the needs of high rollers and are thus exempt from traditional regulation.

72.   The two men vying for The Seat in the Oval Office will try to convince television viewers that their positions will best serve the needs of the country.

73.   The Web serves different needs for different participants.

74.   Those computers might not always be available to serve American needs, the experts say.

75.   This largesse wins gratitude by serving the needs of the people, providing what the ruling elite cannot or will not.

76.   Three years ago she joined Campbell to form a new Benedictine community dedicated to serving the needs of Hispanic women.

77.   To win approval of state regulators, Blue Cross proposes to create two new health foundations to serve public health needs in the state.

78.   Vast rural areas in the Third World are without electricity, for instance, and providing it without resorting to fossil fuels is one way to serve both needs.

79.   What emotional needs were served by the Nation of Islam that did not come from boxing or the civil-rights movement?

80.   When special needs are served, state reviewers can look beyond the population-based formulas usually used to calculate the need for services.

v. + need >>共 626
meet 9.07%
stress 7.96%
have 5.74%
see 5.55%
eliminate 5.28%
reduce 2.92%
emphasize 2.82%
understand 2.30%
address 2.06%
underscore 2.06%
serve 1.19%
serve + n. >>共 596
time 8.21%
sentence 7.75%
purpose 4.61%
notice 2.48%
food 2.15%
customer 2.00%
term 1.94%
interest 1.87%
meal 1.73%
country 1.58%
need 1.06%
每页显示:    共 105