71.   The Socialist Party of the Republika Srpska -- the Serb entity in Bosnia-Hercegovina -- is the Bosnian Serb branch of the party of Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic.

72.   The vast majority of travelling refugees crossed from, or through, the federation into the Serb entity.

73.   The ruling Bosnian Serb party will decide on its candidate for presidential elections in the Serb entity in Bosnia on Wednesday, the official Serb news agency SRNA said.

74.   The Serb entity will be linked to the federation by constitutional arrangements which have yet to be thrashed out.

75.   The threat was issued by Biljana Plavsic, president-elect of the Serb entity in Bosnia, the Republika Srpska.

76.   The town dominates a narrow corridor of land linking the eastern and western halves of the Republika Srpska, as the Serb entity is known.

77.   The statement said instead that Mladic would be having talks with Biljana Plavsic, president of the Republika Srpska, the Serb entity in Bosnia-Hercegovina on Wednesday.

78.   Their leader, Radovan Karadzic, said Monday that the Serb entity would continue to strive for unification with the rump Yugoslavia.

79.   Turning to the northern town of Brcko, whose future has yet to be decided by international arbitration, Klickovic insisted it should remain inside the Serb entity.

80.   Two thirds of those who registered are Serbs and will vote in elections in the Serb entity that shares Bosnia-Hercegovina with the Moslem-Croat Federation.

a. + entity >>共 468
separate 9.59%
new 7.65%
serb 5.93%
political 3.87%
single 3.65%
corporate 3.18%
the 3.10%
palestinian 3.05%
independent 2.92%
legal 2.71%
serb + n. >>共 510
force 10.88%
police 5.97%
leader 5.80%
authority 2.60%
troop 2.14%
position 2.14%
soldier 2.10%
official 2.05%
refugee 1.72%
civilian 1.66%
entity 0.67%
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