71.   Defense attorneys, at the invitation of Ito, had requested successfully that reporters be kept out of proceedings when jurors are questioned individually about sensitive issues.

72.   Debate over these issues has come to dominate public discourse in Turkey, raising sensitive issues that many people here have never before confronted.

73.   Despite the stronger feelings of cooperation that have blossomed recently with the Hondurans, the idea of a permanent presence of US soldiers here is still a sensitive issue.

74.   Disapproval of the satellite deal is likely to be another sensitive issue raised next week when Secretary of State Madeleine Albright visits China.

75.   Economically sensitive issues rallied yesterday on optimism falling interest rates will fatten corporate profits this year.

76.   Economically sensitive issues slumped, overshadowing gains in steady-earning food and household product companies.

77.   Doubtlessly, like the controversy that provoked it, this is going to be a sensitive issue.

78.   Economically sensitive issues rebounded after five days of declines.

79.   Elsewhere in Beijing, seasoned political activists immediately saw the significance of letting Clinton debate President Jiang Zemin freely on sensitive issues like the Beijing massacre and Tibet.

80.   Establishing just what role America will play, however, has been a sensitive issue, as Berger acknowledged Wednesday.

a. + issue >>共 663
key 3.73%
major 3.06%
important 2.78%
political 2.71%
social 2.44%
sensitive 2.18%
economic 2.17%
contentious 1.91%
environmental 1.85%
new 1.79%
sensitive + n. >>共 769
issue 14.67%
information 6.78%
area 5.73%
time 2.84%
subject 2.63%
site 2.57%
topic 2.32%
technology 1.81%
stock 1.79%
one 1.66%
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