71.   Clinton and Yeltsin reached accord on several security issues.

72.   Clinton sees political pay dirt in the job security issue.

73.   Clinton characterized it as a national security issue of historic proportions.

74.   Christopher is expected to raise the security issue when he meets with Arafat at his headquarters in Gaza on Thursday.

75.   CIAC releases bulletins on security issues, such as viruses.

76.   Consider, for starters, the airport security issue.

77.   Crucial security issues surrounding the eventual Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights have not been raised in the first round of talks last month.

78.   Cooperation on security issues is another troublesome area.

79.   Defense and national security issues have just not bubbled to the top.

80.   Delta and representatives of the Air Line Pilots Association agreed on pay and job security issues to enable the new carrier to begin service.

n. + issue >>共 946
security 5.68%
technology 4.38%
bond 2.96%
trade 2.95%
campaign 2.57%
health 1.90%
safety 1.89%
abortion 1.76%
policy 1.69%
tax 1.35%
security + n. >>共 445
force 16.92%
official 8.09%
measure 3.87%
service 2.70%
concern 2.53%
source 2.32%
reason 2.31%
officer 2.29%
firm 2.22%
issue 1.82%
每页显示:    共 886