71.   He said a sweep of the venue was routine, but officers took additional care Saturday morning in searching bags brought into the venue.

72.   Hundreds of police blocked cars from streets approaching the Angel and searched the bags of all approaching it.

73.   In adjacent Tiananmen Square, two uniformed officers took away a man after searching his bag.

74.   In addition, the carry-on bags may be searched again at the gate.

75.   In adjacent Tiananmen Square, two uniformed officers took away another man after searching his bag.

76.   In response, security officials searched bags, led bomb-sniffing dogs on patrols and eyed closely eyed identification cards.

77.   Journalists had their bags searched and were given cursory pat-downs by Khmer Rouge guards.

78.   Khmer Rouge guards searched their bags and patted them down.

79.   Los Angeles International Airport workers searched bags and checked photo IDs as a dog sniffed for bombs at a boarding gate.

80.   Media arriving for the event had bags searched and were checked with a metal detector wand before they could enter the building where they would pick up their credentials.

v. + bag >>共 447
pack 12.48%
carry 7.26%
check 4.19%
search 3.56%
open 2.77%
hold 2.28%
take 1.98%
have 1.88%
find 1.78%
use 1.62%
search + n. >>共 595
area 8.95%
house 6.05%
home 6.00%
car 4.97%
vehicle 3.66%
building 3.10%
bag 2.72%
apartment 2.14%
site 1.99%
office 1.87%
每页显示:    共 107