71.   School uniforms are available at discount stores.

72.   School uniforms are clothes.

73.   School uniforms simplify the choices, but kids will need a few other things, depending upon their ages and interests.

74.   School officials in Japan and China require school uniforms as one means to equalize the disparate backgrounds of students.

75.   School uniforms.

76.   She rises before daybreak to clean the house and wash school uniforms.

77.   She wore a school uniform and carried a dark blue school bag and a red satchel with sports gear in it.

78.   So Forte continually violated the dress code, which called for dress shoes to be worn with the school uniform.

79.   Similar to the school uniform, an aristocratic puppy is the great equalizer.

80.   So we had a series of homilies about curfews and school uniforms, and sermons exhorting television producers to be less vulgar and violent.

n. + uniform >>共 215
school 12.76%
camouflage 12.32%
army 10.69%
police 9.22%
prison 5.90%
dress 4.50%
team 2.95%
baseball 2.88%
road 1.84%
jail 1.84%
school + n. >>共 674
official 11.45%
system 6.22%
child 3.04%
administrator 2.50%
building 2.11%
program 1.71%
teacher 1.69%
voucher 1.60%
prayer 1.45%
history 1.29%
uniform 1.10%
每页显示:    共 172