71.   That effort was in the works before the scandal broke.

72.   The accusation was made a few days after the Svyazinvest scandal broke.

73.   The bill was seen by many lawmakers on both sides of the aisle as a sure bet for passage before the Monica S. Lewinsky scandal broke.

74.   The aide, who asked not to be identified, said the sense of embarrassment among administration officials has been widespread since the scandal broke last week.

75.   The Army had decided to produce the videotape before the problems at Aberdeen became known, but senior Army officials speeded its delivery after the scandal broke.

76.   The day after the scandal broke, PBS told its stations that the practice must stop.

77.   The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has held two major fund-raisers with Clinton since the Lewinsky scandal broke, said spokeswoman Olivia Morgan.

78.   The justice minister was traveling at the time the scandal broke.

79.   The paper has been selling at a discount from face value since the scandal broke.

80.   The scandal broke in January, when Boston Cardinal Bernard Law apologized for transferring the Rev. John Geoghan, a known pedophile priest from parish to parish.

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