71.   Two other people also scaled the wall and entered the compound of the U.S. Consulate in Shenyang, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing said.

72.   Two other people also rushed the U.S. Consulate in Shenyang, scaling the wall and making it inside the compound, U.S. diplomats said.

73.   Yesterday, the eight were detained by embassy security staff when they scaled a wall and entered the compound.

74.   Choe Kwang-Chol was in a visa queue of Chinese outside the consulate and took security by surprise by suddenly scaling a wall into the compound.

75.   During the subsequent upheaval, other inmates scaled the walls of the detention center to make good their escape, police said.

76.   The rebellion began after inmates were caught around dawn trying to escape by scaling a wall.

77.   More recently, two inmates scaled a wall and fled the institute, and six others were caught in a separate escape bid on Saturday.

78.   More recently, two inmates scaled a wall to escape, and six were caught in a separate escape bid on Saturday.

79.   She passed the rest of the course, but earlier this week failed the final task, an assault course that include scaling a wall in full combat gear.

80.   TAK said the two prisoners and their accomplices scaled a wall topped with barbed wire to enter the Turkish-held zone of this divided city.

v. + wall >>共 568
hit 10.54%
cover 6.85%
line 5.59%
build 4.57%
adorn 3.87%
decorate 2.93%
paint 2.69%
scale 2.40%
have 2.14%
climb 1.73%
scale + n. >>共 239
wall 11.40%
fence 7.65%
plan 4.45%
production 4.03%
operation 4.03%
mountain 3.89%
height 3.34%
back 3.06%
expectation 2.36%
peak 2.09%
每页显示:    共 82