71.   The world organization has said the sanctions will remain in place until U.N. inspectors certify Iraq has eliminated its weapons of mass destruction.

72.   The trade sanctions would remain in force in Bosnian Serb areas until after Bosnian Serb forces withdraw to buffer zones.

73.   The United States and Britain demand that the sanctions remain until Iraq also improves its human rights record and accounts for missing Kuwaiti equipment.

74.   The United States has condemned the arrests and said economic sanctions would remain in force.

75.   The U.N. Security Council says sanctions will remain in place until Iraq complies with its demands, including dismantling its weapons of mass destruction programs.

76.   The U.N. Security Council says sanctions will remain until Iraq proves it has ended efforts to build chemical, biological and nuclear arms and long-range missiles.

77.   The U.N. Security Council has said the sanctions will remain until Iraq complies with resolutions calling for the elimination of its weapons of mass destruction.

78.   The U.N. Security Council said the sanctions will remain until Iraq proves it has ended efforts to build chemical, biological and nuclear arms and long-range missiles.

79.   The U.N. Security Council says the sanctions will remain in place until Iraq has complied with all its resolutions, including eliminating its weapons of mass destruction.

80.   The United States and Britain have insisted the sanctions remain in effect until Libya hands over two Libyans charged in the United States and Scotland.

n. + remain >>共 1272
question 1.83%
market 1.57%
investor 1.56%
inflation 1.40%
price 1.29%
issue 1.20%
people 1.10%
problem 1.03%
economy 0.90%
difference 0.88%
sanction 0.26%
sanction + v. >>共 279
be 21.16%
include 5.62%
remain 4.84%
ban 3.55%
impose 2.86%
have 2.77%
bar 2.44%
hurt 2.21%
prevent 2.17%
cause 1.94%
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