71.   The fighting on Friday was fierce, with the government using helicopters, tanks and multiple rocket launchers.

72.   The guns and rocket launchers they carry are rusty, missing parts and sometimes held together with wire.

73.   The merger, therefore, would not seriously dilute competition except in a few selected markets, like rocket launchers, for which there are ample remedies.

74.   The pirates just zip up in a speedboat, point a rocket launcher at the hull and demand money.

75.   The Pakistan-Afghanistan border is a virtual arms bazaar, where it is possible to buy machine guns, Kalashnikov rifles, grenades and rocket launchers.

76.   The organization claimed responsibility for an attack using rocket launchers and automatic rifles on a Pakistani police last week, injuring two.

77.   The rebels are armed with automatic weapons, grenades, and rocket launchers, and they have installed mines and booby traps around the compound.

78.   The rocket launcher she was so gleefully applauding was used to shoot down US pilots.

79.   The rocket launcher was made of vegetables.

80.   The rebels told Smyth they had long-range Katyusha rocket launchers, mortars, recoilless rifles, and land mines.

n. + launcher >>共 35
rocket 46.47%
grenade 37.67%
missile 8.79%
mortar 1.55%
satellite 0.95%
multiple-rocket 0.69%
tear-gas 0.52%
guerrilla 0.43%
rebel 0.34%
space 0.26%
rocket + n. >>共 236
attack 32.41%
launcher 19.63%
fire 5.68%
fuel 3.20%
scientist 2.62%
barrage 2.26%
booster 1.86%
science 1.82%
launch 1.64%
range 1.60%
每页显示:    共 536