71.   Inmates included German political opponents, Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, foreign resistance fighters, POWs and clergy.

72.   Irma Laplasse was accused of telling German occupiers of a resistance hideout after resistance fighters captured some two dozen Germans and informants, including her son.

73.   It was obtained by the AP from a former Afghan resistance fighter, who got it from a disaffected al-Qaida member in Afghanistan.

74.   It was obtained by AP from a former Afghan resistance fighter, who got it from a disaffected al-Qaida member in Afghanistan.

75.   It is on a farm owned by Yunus Khalis, another former resistance fighter who was bankrolled by the United States in the Afghan war.

76.   Laplasse was accused of informing the Germans and instigating a murderous raid that left seven resistance fighters dead only hours ahead of the liberation.

77.   Late in month, Soviet troops cross border to bolster Karmal against Muslim resistance fighters.

78.   Like many Arabs, Nasrallah believes groups that resort to suicide bombings and shootings to attack Israelis occupying Arab lands are resistance fighters, not terrorists.

79.   Meanwhile, three wounded resistance fighters were allowed into Thailand for medical treatment.

80.   Morale among resistance fighters was reportedly wavering Thursday as troops loyal to Cambodian leader Hun Sen renewed assaults against their positions.

n. + fighter >>共 219
rebel 26.62%
al-qaida 12.35%
guerrilla 7.74%
opposition 6.91%
al-qaeda 5.78%
resistance 5.44%
independence 4.24%
alliance 3.76%
militia 2.52%
anti-taliban 2.48%
resistance + n. >>共 134
fighter 17.97%
movement 15.61%
group 9.54%
leader 8.67%
force 6.69%
level 3.47%
gene 3.35%
training 2.85%
commander 1.86%
troop 1.49%
每页显示:    共 144