71.   But that seems a remote possibility now that Iraq has said it will no longer allow UNSCOM to work.

72.   Having said that, one is reminded of the remote possibility ofcoinciding the hypothesis with the reality.

73.   He said a reconciliation between De Villa and House Speaker Jose de Venecia was already a very remote possibility.

74.   Meanwhile, resumed negotiations with Israel appeared only a highly remote possibility.

75.   Most analysts view that as a remote possibility, saying this country still offers better rates of return on investments than either Europe or Japan.

76.   Officials said there was no talk of taking out the eminent domain provision, though they could not rule out that remote possibility.

77.   One expert caused an uproar Wednesday by claiming that even the once unthinkable prospect of a military coup has become a remote possibility.

78.   One expert caused an uproar Wednesday by claiming that even the once-unthinkable prospect of a military coup has become a remote possibility.

79.   Reducing renewed violence is at the top of the agenda, and resumption of negotiations with Israel is only a remote possibility, a Clinton spokesperson said.

80.   Resuming negotiations with Israel appeared a highly remote possibility.

a. + possibility >>共 633
real 7.14%
strong 5.50%
distinct 4.56%
new 4.04%
remote 3.44%
such 2.73%
the 2.02%
intriguing 1.83%
endless 1.50%
good 1.50%
remote + n. >>共 673
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village 8.37%
region 5.44%
location 3.46%
mountain 3.31%
part 2.85%
island 2.73%
town 2.08%
corner 2.00%
site 1.77%
possibility 1.77%
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