71.   The Census Bureau is expected to release redistricting data for New Jersey and Virginia on Wednesday.

72.   The big market move came the day before December employment data is released, figures that tend to roil financial markets.

73.   The Construction Ministry will release data on housing starts and construction orders on Friday.

74.   The data were released by the agency as part of its annual Toxic Release Inventory.

75.   The decline accelerated after benign producer-price data were released, raising doubts that the Federal Reserve Board would lift interest rates next week.

76.   The Democrats released the data after Republicans and public interest groups complained that the failure to file the information with the Federal Election Commission violated the law.

77.   The Commerce Ministry tomorrow is scheduled to release inflation data for October.

78.   The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission took Morgan Stanley to court in July to force it to release data on its employment practices for senior female employees.

79.   The Kaiser Family Foundation, an independent nonprofit health care research organization, plans to release recent data next month confirming the trend.

80.   The issue took on poignancy this week as the government released data showing that the percentage of the population without coverage rose slightly last year despite a booming economy.

v. + datum >>共 675
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release + n. >>共 848
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information 3.62%
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datum 1.11%
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