71.   Thomas Jefferson introduced oblong lenses for reading glasses that he considered more efficient than the conventional round or oval ones.

72.   Watchful eyes peered over reading glasses, looking for flaws, marking down every tiny mistake.

73.   Wearing reading glasses with his ski goggles propped on his forehead, he looked more like Harry Potter than a ski jumper.

74.   With monovision, one eye is left somewhat nearsighted, postponing or eliminating the need for reading glasses.

75.   A pair of reading glasses hung from a cord around his neck and he clutched a white handkerchief.

76.   Clinton carries his family Bible to church and wears half-lens reading glasses to follow selected readings.

77.   Complete with eyepatch and earring, the snaggletooth raider sits by a leisurely, reclining turtle, with its reading glasses on.

78.   He peers at it though his reading glasses, his Santa Claus beard spreading across his chest like a bib.

79.   He is valedictorian and, with the shuffle of age and the help of reading glasses, takes the stage for his speech.

80.   Reading glasses are also recommended.

a. + glass >>共 942
broken 10.60%
flying 5.95%
dark 4.01%
shattered 2.94%
wine 2.46%
tall 2.14%
thick 2.12%
bulletproof 2.00%
large 1.79%
reading 1.69%
reading + n. >>共 369
material 7.28%
list 4.91%
glass 4.86%
program 4.51%
skill 4.34%
room 3.58%
book 3.41%
test 2.89%
score 2.43%
habit 1.91%
每页显示:    共 84