71.   Tarrin stressed that overnight loan rates should not have any impact on the overall lending rate structure.

72.   The result, in towns like Port Hardy, has been devastating, so wrenching, in fact, that suicide rates have jumped.

73.   The rate of executions has more than doubled in Iran, and many of the death sentences have been carried out after unfair trials, Amnesty International said Monday.

74.   Among civilians, infant mortality rates have sky-rocketed, while a virulent strain of malaria is rampant.

75.   But future tariff rates still have to be decided and negotiations could prove to be delicate.

76.   But they agreed that rates would have to be increased if inflationary pressures grew and George suggested a tightening of monetary policy if the recovery gathered pace.

77.   But the prime minister admitted that the growth rate would have to be revised once the exact losses were known.

78.   But the market was concerned about their view that rates would have to be increased in inflationary pressure grew.

79.   The unemployment rate has officially rise by a fifth since the start of the year, with the biggest increase occurring in the industrial sector.

80.   London shares fell from the start of trading following a warning by Chancellor of the Exchequer Kenneth Clarke that rates might have to rise to curb inflationary pressure.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
rate 0.04%
rate + v. >>共 334
be 28.53%
rise 6.16%
fall 5.09%
make 4.50%
help 2.66%
remain 2.22%
increase 2.15%
hurt 1.91%
go 1.78%
drop 1.78%
have 0.86%
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