71.   Fusion researchers long have contended that fusion reactors would be cheaper than nuclear reactors and would produce substantially less radioactive waste.

72.   Generators of low-level radioactive wastes were meeting late Tuesday to map their next move.

73.   Governor Carroll Campbell has also tried to block the shipment, saying other methods of handling the high-level radioactive waste should be explored.

74.   He also said the bill contains safeguards to prevent massive amounts of radioactive wastes from flowing to Texas.

75.   He maintains that radioactive waste would be unlikely to escape because most of the ocean bottom is stable over millennia.

76.   He said it could accommodate the radioactive waste in a year.

77.   Highly radioactive wastes are the main orphan of the nuclear era, having found no permanent home over the decades.

78.   However, it would be the first time that a cask full of high-level radioactive wastes has been unloaded.

79.   Huge amounts of radioactive wastes that will be deadly to humans for hundreds of thousands of years.

80.   If it receives the contract, the group will dismantle the plant, store radioactive materials and handle final-stage processing of radioactive waste, he said.

a. + waste >>共 402
nuclear 23.00%
radioactive 11.47%
toxic 11.12%
human 3.70%
industrial 3.54%
solid 2.50%
low-level 1.96%
high-level 1.77%
animal 1.71%
liquid 1.42%
radioactive + n. >>共 250
material 23.41%
waste 17.38%
substance 4.40%
isotope 2.97%
leak 2.97%
iodine 2.58%
element 2.35%
contamination 2.25%
dust 1.82%
fallout 1.77%
每页显示:    共 361